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Adult Training Fees - starting April 2022
Monthly Fee: $110.00 Unlimited Classes
Single Class Fee: $20.00
Children Training Fees
Monthly Fee: $85.00 Unlimited Classes [first child]
Monthly Fee: $55.00 Unlimited Classes [each additional child]
Plus up front registration fee - see details HERE >
Gi [uniforms]
Gi Cotton/polyester:
Size 0000 - 1: $30.00
Gi 100% Cotton [8oz]:
Size 2: $35.00
Size 3: $40.00
Size 4: $40.00
Size 5: $45.00
Size 6: $45.00
Size 7: $50.00
Heavyweight Canvas Gi [13.8oz]:
Size 2: $70.00
Size 3: $75.00
Size 4: $80.00
Size 5: $85.00
Size 6: $85.00
Size 7: $90.00
Heavyweight Brushed Canvas Gi [13.75oz]:
Size 2: $80.00
Size 3: $85.00
Size 4: $90.00
Size 5: $90.00
Size 6: $95.00
Size 7: $100.00
Promotion Costs
Promotion to 9th Kyu from 10th Kyu requires 15 classes and regular attendance, promotions are scheduled at regular intervals and may be conducted by Kyoshi Bobby Henderson of NorCal Seido.
Each promotion has associated promotion fees that are due at time of each promotion with a completed promotion application form and Photograph. These fees vary and depend on grade promoting for. [Fees based on current rank [until June 1st]]
$40.00 White Belt
$45.00 Advanced White & Blue Belt
$50.00 Advanced Blue & Yellow Belt
$55.00 Advanced Yellow
$60.00 Green Belt
$65.00 Advanced Green Belt
$70.00 Brown Belt
Prior to first promotion for adult students two things are required [these are covered for children in the up front registration fee]:
1. Patches must be sewn onto Gi [purchased from instructor - $30.00]
2. Registration with the World Seido Karate Organization [$40.00 3 Years plus 1 photo 1.25 x 1]
Promotions at various levels also require written tests as part of promotion and reading certain books by Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura [noted on syllabus where required].
Books Available:
$45.00 Karate Kyohon
$30.00 The Human Face of Karate
$35.00 Technique and Spirit
$35.00 One Day, One Lifetime
Children Registration Fee
For children there is an up front registration fee that includes registration with Honbu [World Seido Karate Organization Headquarters], a set of patches and a gi [uniform]. These fees for adult students are incurred at the first promotion.
$120.00 includes uniform, patches and WSKO membership
The membership registration is renewed for a fee every one year or three years [at a discount] depending on your preference.
Yearly: $20.00 per year plus a passport sized photograph
Every Three Years: $40.00 every three years plus a passport sized photograph
Sparring Gear:
Foam Dip Sparring Gear $35.00
Cup $25.00
Mouth guard $ 5.00
Shin guards $55.00 Hand Wraps $15.00